Our Approach

Previously, it has been challenging to capture and understand the diverse and complex health equity needs of community members at scale. Cultural language barriers, limited access, adoption of new digital technologies, and limited shared resources has eroded trust and confidence in our current healthcare models.

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Digitizing Trust

Our platform is built on community involvement, utilizing empathetic engagement and fostering trust. We equip communities with personalized AI-powered tools to enhance their ability to actively listen, comprehend, and interact with the diverse needs of their members.

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A Broken System

Today, governmental enterprises and institutional healthcare systems struggle with an ineffective ‘top-down’ approach. Health education, messaging and outreach gets pushed from inside the four walls of traditional care out into the communities they are trying to serve.

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Creating Thriving Communities

Trust is a micro-engagement platform that empowers Community-based Organizations, Non-profit Organizations, and Faith-based Organizations to connect at-risk and diverse communities to critical health and social care they need.

Who we work with

We partner with a wide array of organizations dedicated to improving community well-being.

Faith-based Organizations
Faith-based Organizations

Leveraging the unique community trust and outreach capabilities of faith-based groups.

Non-profit Organization
Non-profit Organizations

Working with non-profits to enhance community support and development.

Healthcare providers
Healthcare Providers

Ensuring medical care reaches underserved communities.

Community-based Organization
Community-based Organizations

Engaging local groups that understand and address specific community needs effectively.

Social care services
Social Care Services

Connecting communities with essential social care services for comprehensive support.

Trust by the Numbers











How Trust makes a difference

America’s 100M Trust Problem

From health, social, financial, mental support, housing and other life-critical needs, as systemic and legacy outreach programs failed to connect to this population and engender trust in them.

Trust seeds micro-engagement programs through trusted community heads, and is able to bring at-risk and diverse populations into networks where they can get support and care they need.


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